Genesis: The Beginning of Nourishment

Genesis: The Beginning of Nourishment

Genesis: The Beginning of Nourishment

City/Region: Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq, Syria, Turkey)
Historical Context: Genesis describes early humanity in a lush, fertile environment. Foods were likely gathered and farmed, including grains, fruits like figs and dates, and simple dairy products.

Recipe: Date and Honey Flatbread

  • Ingredients:

    • 2 cups whole wheat flour
    • 1/2 cup water
    • 1/4 cup honey
    • 1/4 cup chopped dates
    • Pinch of salt
  • Instructions:

    1. Combine flour and salt in a bowl. Slowly mix in water to form a dough.
    2. Knead the dough until smooth and let it rest for 30 minutes.
    3. Roll into flat rounds and cook on a hot skillet until golden on both sides.
    4. Drizzle honey and sprinkle chopped dates on top before serving.

Blog Insight:
In Genesis, the fertile land provided the first humans with an abundance of natural food. This simple date and honey flatbread reflects the agricultural staples of the region, reminding us of God’s provision from the very beginning.

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